Noom Red Foods – What You Need to Know

To effectively lose weight and become healthier, dieting as a short-term solution is not the way to go. A long-term and sustainable approach is the best strategy, and this is what Noom offers. 

Noom is similar to Weight Watchers and other similar weight-loss programs that promote weight loss through food and calorie tracking. Noom also incorporates activity tracking, although it is not required. One of the things that makes Noom unique is that it does not impose any food restrictions; no food is off-limits on the Noom diet. 

Noom uses a color-coded food classification system to guide members toward eating more healthfully. Under this system, Red foods are the least healthy, but are not considered “bad.” Members are encouraged to limit the consumption of Red foods, but Noom does not completely ban them.  

Noom Red Foods - What You Need to Know

Noom Red Foods – What You Need to Know

Traditional dieting is often based on deprivation, i.e. depriving oneself of guilty pleasures – or foods that are typically unhealthy – in order to lose weight. But Noom does not support this restrictive approach because deprivation cannot be sustained. This means that, sooner or later, the person will give in to their cravings – fall off the wagon, so to speak, and regain the weight they lost.  

A more effective weight-loss and weight-management strategy is to ensure both feelings of fullness and satisfaction, and this can only be achieved by being able to still enjoy unhealthy foods once in a while without compromising any weight-loss progress one might have already accomplished. 

Under Noom’s color-coded food classification, these unhealthy foods are labelled Red. Red foods are high-calorie dense foods – or foods that have a large amount of calories in a small volume. 

Members can keep track of their food intake and how much Red foods they consume by using Noom’s massive food database. This database is kept up-to-date by a team of dietitians and nutritionists to ensure that all information is accurate.  

Noom’s Red food list includes foods with the highest calorie density and levels of processed carbohydrates, sugar, saturated fats, and sodium. These items are not off-limits, but Noom does not encourage eating Red foods on a daily basis. A cheat snack, dessert, or even meal is okay every now and then, but this must be out-weighed by foods that are tagged as Green for that particular day; increasing physical activity is another way of “cancelling out” the indulgence. 

Red foods can also be enjoyed by choosing the healthiest option possible; for example, you can enjoy natural, unsweetened peanut butter instead of the sweetened variety, or a light ham sandwich instead of sodium-heavy ham. 

Noom Red Foods - What You Need to Know

Photo courtesy of Noom

Noom does not encourage eating foods that are classified as Red, but it does not ban them, either. Members simply have to remember that these are high-calorie dense items and should be kept to a minimum, both in intake amount and frequency. The diet should be mostly made up of Green foods and small portions of Yellow foods. 

Other Foods on Noom

Yellow Foods

These foods are healthy in their own right, but are still moderately dense in calories so they should be consumed in moderation. They can be part of the daily diet, but in small amounts. Using the food tracker, Noom automatically suggests a Green substitute for the Yellow food, whenever possible. 

Noom Red Foods - What You Need to Know

Photo courtesy of Noom

Green Foods

These have the lowest calorie density and highest nutrient density and, therefore, should make up the bulk of one’s daily diet. Because they have fewer calories per weight/volume, they can be eaten in larger quantities without going over the daily calorie limit. And these foods guarantee that nutritional needs are adequately met. 

Noom Red Foods - What You Need to Know

Photo courtesy of Noom

Noom Red Foods – No food is off limits

Noom does not impose any food restrictions. Eating red foods on a daily basis is not encouraged, but indulging in a red-tagged food in small amounts is okay once in a while. Noom allows members to enjoy their favorite foods, regardless of their color classification. The program effectively helps them stay on track by teaching them about proper portion control. 

You can eat your favorite chips, but you should limit your intake to one serving and pair it with a filling amount of a green-tagged food. This way, you’ll still satisfy your craving without going overboard and also eating healthy. 

With no extreme restrictions, eating Red foods is not associated with negative feelings, such as guilt. And learning to choose healthier foods becomes not only a weight-loss strategy, but a lifestyle choice. 

Final Thoughts

The Noom program teaches members to look at food choices and eating habits from a healthier perspective. And healthy eating can include being able to enjoy guilty pleasures every now and then. There is no food deprivation, and this makes all the difference in helping members achieve their weight-loss goals and adopt a healthier lifestyle. 

Noom’s color-coded food classification system is an effective guide that encourages the consumption of more Green foods, moderate amounts of Yellow foods, and minimal intake amount and frequency of Red foods. The program is also designed to help members pair these different colors so as to ensure that they still eat mostly green-tagged items every day. 

Through Noom’s holistic approach to weight-loss, members develop healthy and sustainable habits so they can continue their efforts in losing weight and, eventually, maintain a healthy weight even after they have completed the program. 

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